“Here is the church and here is the steeple. Open the doors and see all the people.” Many of you know this finger rhyme. When I was little, this lighthearted pastime was typically enjoyed upon my father’s lap, probably to get me to giggle until he ended the rhyme with “Close the doors until they pray, open the doors and they all go away!” I was then sent on my merry way.

It’s a grown-up world now. Lighthearted pastimes as well as serious news reports reach us online, which means you need to connect to the internet. Here’s where the steeple comes in and where the people make good things happen.

We have a steeple. WonderArts and Spark, our neighbors downstairs, have high speed fiber service – the fastest way to connect to the internet around here. Through the enterprising and generous spirit of Executive Director Carol Fairbank, the support of several state and local organizations, and all the peoplepower required to engineer, install, and run conduit and wires – people in the village can now access Greensboro Free WiFi. If you’re in line of sight and near the church, the internet service will pop up on your list of available networks. Open and free! Just like our church, our community, and our hearts.