The first time I ever saw a Little Library was on a foot path that traversed an oceanside community in Maine. Since then I’ve noticed them right here in Greensboro, alongside the Memorial Garden and on a path to Willey’s Beach. There may be many more. There is novelty associated with these little libraries, and they also serve to promote reading and allow anyone who needs a book to take a book and share a book.

I’ve never seen a Little Food Shelf until a few days ago. The purpose, like a Little Library, is to allow anyone who is hungry to take what they need and leave non-perishable items to share. The greater purpose is to answer the prayer that no one goes to bed hungry.

The Little Food Shelf, like Little Libraries, are not meant to replace well-stocked and well-organized community programs and facilities. These include Hardwick Area Food Pantry, Faith in Action and 3Squares VT. These programs are there to make sure anyone who needs food can get food. And like everyone handling food these days, the stewards of the Little Food Shelf are making sure items are wiped down regularly. It seems these days that even the littlest acts can have a big impact. Welcome Little Food Shelf!

Ed Sunday-Winters after Ribbon Cutting. Photo by Kyle Gray.