Mission work starts at home and spreads worldwide. There is purpose in the work that identifies worthwhile causes and stands up for them. Sometimes it happens on the spur of the moment, such as when members of the community meet in the sanctuary for a peace vigil or gather on the town green to show solidarity for reproductive freedom.

Mission work shows up:

  • In a blue and yellow flag, flying day and night for those who fight for their democracy.
  • On a Fair Trade table at a local farmers market.
  • On the State House lawn to bear witness for migrant workers and against gun violence.
  • In the planning, cooking, and serving of ethnic meals to support refugees and human rights.
  • Through prayer and connection to UCC Global Ministries.
  • As the community demonstrates how they care, through their artistic expressions, in “Studies in Blue and Yellow”.

As we start our new year, what does mission mean to you? Where will you see mission in action?

Karl Dornseifer and Terri Sumimoto admire the art show