Even before the pandemic, our Mission and Outreach committee, along with many volunteers, continually met the human needs for warmth, shelter, food, and goodwill. We support agencies that provide community action such as Capstone (https://www.capstonevt.org); AWARE (http://www.awarevt.org); Meals on Wheels (https://www.agewellvt.org/services/meals-on-wheels-community-meals); Vermont Association of Area Agencies on Aging (https://www.vermont4a.org); and Vermont Refugee Resettlement through the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (https://refugees.org/uscri-vermont). We also support our local schools and offer everyday care and concern for one another.

One Great Hour of Sharing: March 27th 2022

Our church works throughout the year to support wider church ministries through the United Church of Christ. These efforts support congregations, and other settings of the church, in developing relationships with a wider church that is global, multiracial, multicultural, open and affirming, and accessible to all.

Take some time to explore these wider church ministries and read about One Great Hour of Sharing, a Lenten offering that supports the disaster, refugee, and development ministries of the church. There isn’t a better time to give what you can to those who suffer hardships, many beyond what we experience in our daily lives.