The Greensboro United Church of Christ is bursting with song. The music of the East Coast Inspirational Singers brings folks to their feet and up to the altar, swinging and clapping to Oh Happy Day. Perhaps this jolt of inspiration was meant to help us through the remaining days of 2020. Many of these days and events are pictured in our newsletter header. Here’s a summary:

The audience joins the singers

January 2020: Greensboro United Church of Christ and the Highland Center for the Arts are packed full of people swinging and clapping to the joyous East Coast Inspirational Singers.

February: Cabin Fever Follies entertains a crowd; Shrove Tuesday Community Pancake Supper becomes the last event enjoyed inside Fellowship Hall.

March: The start of livestreamed worship services every Sunday with Ed Sunday-Winters at the pulpit graced with flowers from Cilla Bonney-Smith, Hal Parker at the organ, piano, and harpsichord, and Kyle Gray behind the camera. Early Music performs every month. Congregants near and far log into the services and enjoy coffee hour via Zoom. As a gesture of solidarity, members placed photos of themselves in the pews. Church committees continue to meet virtually.

April: The Little Food Shelf installed outside Fellowship Hall ensures no one goes to bed hungry.

May: Marion Babbie turns 100 and the town turns out in masks with grab-no-go cupcakes, a drive-by from the fire department, and WCAX coverage.

Summer: The outdoor art festival of canvases on the theme of LOVE; Grab-n-go quiche events make suppers easier; Black Lives Matter flag flies; Church steeple houses WonderArts fiber network.

October: Celebration of Judy Dales’ 75th with grab-n-go cake and the making of a community quilt; Halloween Village Trick-or-Treat trail brings out many creative youngsters

November: Church has new insulation installed in the interests of our climate covenant; Turkeys go home with Lakeview students.

December: Advent brings the Dreaming Tree, reflections, and Christmas Eve – still virtual, still joyful.

January 2021: We observed Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday online with special guest Robert Solomon joined by our friends from the East Coast Inspirational Singers. Shrove Tuesday arrived and the traditional Pancake Supper went on in our Grab n Go style, followed by the Library’s curbside Chili Dinner and community made donuts from Elizabeth Rossano.

February 2021: On a slippery, windy night, we packed up pancake suppers and handed them to happy people passing by. Ash Wednesday included take-out ashes and the Lenten season began in earnest. The theme: Those who Dream. Readings from Mary Oliver highlighted Thursday evening Zoom sharing. People hung “troubles and frets” on what remained of our Christmas tree.

March 2021: We burned the Christmas tree and placed the wooden crucifix in front of the church so that “palms” may be laid in preparation for Holy Week and Easter. The earth is greening up and we dream about gathering again.