Rev Ed Sunday-Winters – Service
Hal Parker – Musical Director, Piano, Voice
Priscilla Bonney-Smith – Flowers

Maundy Thursday Service
April 14, 2022

Songs of Spirit (Green Hymnal)

Communion Hymn: #410 Just As I am

Opening Hymn: #187 O Sacred Head, Now Wounded

Recessional/postlude: “Were you There?” solo voice



One: God is my light and my salvation: whom shall I fear?
All: God is the strength of my life: whom shall I dread?

One: I am seeking your presence, O God.
All: Do not abandon me to my foes.
There are people who hate me;
there are things that control me;
there are places that frighten me.

One: Trust in God. Stand fast and have courage.
All: Help us this night not to fall away.
Strengthen our faith, increase our love for one another,
and give us the courage to withstand.

COMMUNION HYMN #410 (Songs of Spirit, green) Just as I Am


Unison Prayer for Forgiveness
Creator and Loving God, you kneel to wash our feet,
yet we are reluctant for you to see all the places we
have gone in our attempts to escape you.
You would bathe us in the warm, living waters of your love,
even though we splash and play in the puddles of temptation.
We have received all the gifts you have to offer, yet we are tempted
to think they are only for us, rather than sharing them.

Forgive us, Holy One, and have mercy on us.
What can we give you for all your wonderful graciousness towards us?
As you have broken your heart for us, may we open ours in service to others.
As you have given your life for us, may we offer ours to bring healing to the world.
As you have called us together around your Table, may we go forth to feed a world
hungry, not only for food, but for that Spirit which brings peace and reconciliation.
This we pray as servants of Jesus Christ, who came to serve us in life, in death,
in resurrection hope.



Assurance of Pardon

Invitation to the Table

The Great Thanksgiving
One: May the Giver of Peace be with you.
Many: May God’s justice burn in you.

One: Our hearts are wounded and wandering.
Many: We lift them up to God.

One: Give thanks to God, for God is good.
Many: God’s love endures forever.

One: It is right and a good and joyful thing,
Always and everywhere to give thanks to You,
Creator, Maker of Heaven and Earth.
At the dawn of Creation,
You breathed life into dirt,
And glory sprung from the ground.
Many: God’s love endures forever.

One: From the fury and flood, you protected Noah.
As many children as the stars, you promised Abraham.
In the dreams of a slave named Joseph, Israel feasted during famine.
With the rod of Moses and the songs of Mariam, you delivered Israel from slavery.
Many: God’s love endures forever.

One: In our need of forgiveness, you gave us Jesus.
He could speak to the wind and the waves.
He could heal with mud and dance on water.
He preached good news to the poor.
He blessed the lowly. He opened the way to God.
Many: God’s love endures forever

One: When he had been crucified, When he was dead and buried,
You lifted Jesus from the grave, And gave us resurrected life.
Many: God’s love endures forever.

One: With the roaring of your love, You set us aflame. Your justice became our joy.
Your peace became our promise.
Many: God’s love endures forever.

Clergy: Through the waters of baptism, you made us your own.
In our lives together we carry your witness, And your love comes to life among us.

Many: Give thanks to God, for God is Good. God’s love endures forever.
One: On the night when Jesus was betrayed. . .In the unity of the Holy Spirit,
And the bond of
 peace. All glory and honor are yours, Creating God, now and forever.

All: Amen.

Blessing of Bread and Cup

Prayer after receiving
All: We thank you, God, for inviting us to this table where we have known the presence of
Christ and have received all Christ’s gifts. Strengthen our faith, increase our love for one
another, and let us show forth your praise in our lives; through Jesus Christ our Savior.

OPENING HYMN #187 O Sacred Head, Now Wounded

John 18:1-12 Jesus is Arrested
HYMN: #196 Stay with Me

John18:13-18; 25-27 Peter denies Jesus
HYMN: #196 Stay with Me

John 18:28-38 Trial of Jesus before Pilate
HYMN: #196 Stay with Me

John 18: 38-19:16a Jesus is Condemned to Death
HYMN: #196 Stay with Me

John 19:16b-27 From the Cross, Jesus Calls Forth Beloved Community
HYMN: #196 Stay with Me

Unison Prayer
Ever Present God,
we are amazed that Jesus, nearing his death,
reached out to comfort and empower those dearest to him.
At the foot of his cross,
he called his mother and his beloved disciple into a new community.
Give us the grace and courage to join them there,
welcoming all who struggle and grieve
into this new covenant of love and grace.
For whom shall we pray,
in our world, our community, our family,
under the shadow of the cross?

John 19:28-30 Jesus Dies
HYMN: #196 Stay with Me

John 19: 38-42 Jesus is Laid in the Tomb

RECESSIONAL: “Were You There?” sung by Hal Parker