Hi folks,

blog-2016-december-newsletter-imageThe December 2016 edition of “Greensboro Gleanings” is now available online.

You can find the most recent as well as past Gleanings in the Newsletter Archive.

If you would like to receive the monthly church newsletter by Email, please contact Bronwyn (our church secretary).

In this edition, Rona asks us to think of Christmas with the perspective of  “awe” and “reversal” in the context of history and continued blessings.

Hal Parker, our esteemed music director, asks us to reflect on one of his favorite Sir Paul McCartney quotes.

Roger Waible has an update for the pastoral search committee.

The mission board thanks it’s organizers and supporters for recent efforts.

Jeff Pierpont, reports that the congregation has voted to move towards a new governance model is particularly of interest.

As always, December birthdays are divulged for your support and celebration and the lectionary readings are posted for you to pre-read and contemplate the meaning as it was written, as it means to us now…and how it can retain meaning in the future.

God bless.