A dozen women gathered in Fellowship Hall this week to transform milk jugs into Halloween decorations. Each jug, decorated with a jack-o-lantern face, will have a candle and will be placed at houses in Greensboro village to greet Trick-or-Treaters as they make their rounds.

Almost 49 houses in the village are participating in the Trick-or-Treat Trail from 4:30-6:30 Halloween n night, Thursday, Oct. 31. Volunteer “Porch Sitters” will be at houses who’s owners are not in town. Park at Town Hall or Lakeview and stop by the church for a map. Rain or shine, little goblins, ghosts and princesses are invited to knock on doors and ask for treats!

After the festivities, all are invited to Fellowship Hall to visit the photo booth and enjoy a grilled cheese sandwich, tomato soup and a hot drink.

Randy and Bonnie Cleveland accompanied their grandchildren on the Trick-or-Treat Trail last year and had a family photo taken at the photo booth. Join us this year for a fun and safe Halloween!!